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Recently in Public Power Current
The American Public Power Association in late June filed comments in response to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pre-rulemaking proceeding in which it seeks feedback from stakeholders as the agency considers revisions to EPA’s regional haze rule.
The Supreme Court on June 28 issued a ruling finding that the Administrative Procedure Act dictates that courts exercise independent judgment when determining if an agency acted within its statutory authority.
The American Public Power Association and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have entered into an agreement to collaborate on an opportunity for technical assistance for select APPA members related to energy storage for rural resilience.
Portland General Electric is now the second entity in the Western United States to sign an implementation agreement and formally commit to a regional day-ahead energy market with the California Independent System Operator for its Extended Day-Ahead Market.
At Truckee Donner Public Utility District’s June board of directors meeting, the board adopted the California public power utility’s annual Wildfire Mitigation Plan.
Ronald DeCurzio, Chief Executive Officer of the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, the Commonwealth’s designated joint action agency for municipal utilities, has been named to the state’s new Energy Transformation Advisory Board.
The Energy Authority announced that the Grand River Dam Authority will join TEA as its newest member, effective July 1, 2024.
Consumption of electricity in the U.S. commercial sector has recovered from pandemic levels, with annual U.S. sales of electricity to commercial customers in 2023 totaling 14 billion kilowatt hours, or 1%, more than in 2019, the Energy Information Administration said on June 28.