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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
The U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision temporarily staying the Federal Implementation Plan for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards — also known as the Good Neighbor plan — which sought to impose tighter limits on releases of nitrogen oxides in the 23 states subjected to the Good Neighbor Plan.
Electric Vehicles
Austin Energy customers with an electric vehicle charger at home can now earn rewards for using less energy during periods of high energy demand, the Texas public power utility said on June 27.
Disaster Response and Mutual Aid
Nebraska Public Power District on June 27 reported that it provided mutual aid to Omaha Public Power District to support power restoration efforts following heavy storms that knocked out power to residents of the state.
Distributed Energy Resources
A 120-megawatt solar farm in Oklahoma that will supply energy to Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority was officially dedicated on June 26 at a ceremony attended by a variety of industry leaders and elected officials, OMPA reported.
A free physical security workshop scheduled for late September in Illinois will offer utilities the opportunity to discuss the current threat landscape, mitigation strategies, and lessons learned.
Customer Service
Utilities can create and send personalized emergency messages through Message Broadcast’s communications platform, Enterprise Omnichannel Notification System. The platform can increase the speed of communication by over 80% and help utilities keep customers informed and safe during emergencies.
The Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska in June coordinated a voltage conversion project in the Village of Pender, Neb., with four neighboring utilities working together to assist the village on the project.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on June 27 issued an order accepting the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s proposed modifications to reliability standard EOP-012-2 that addresses extreme cold weather preparedness and operations.