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Recently in Public Power Current
Susan Lynch, Director, Database Systems & Analysis at the American Public Power Association and the longest serving employee in APPA’s history, will retire on July 1, 2024.
Utilities can create and send personalized emergency messages through Message Broadcast’s communications platform, Enterprise Omnichannel Notification System. The platform can increase the speed of communication by over 80% and help utilities keep customers informed and safe during emergencies.
A ribbon-cutting event took place on June 18 in Tunica County, Mississippi, to mark the completion of the first utility-scale wind generation facility in the state, the Delta Wind project.
Washington State’s Chelan PUD avoided several outages over the last few months since it finished upgrading more than 50,000 electric meters with advanced metering infrastructure, PUD staff reported to PUD commissioners.
The Fayetteville Public Works Commission, a North Carolina public power utility, recently received national recognition for financial reporting with two awards from the Government Finance Officers Association.
The Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska recently detailed how it is facilitating collaborative community solar energy projects with Omaha, Neb.-based Sandhills Energy for 16 communities that are served wholesale power supply by MEAN.
The following is a transcript of the June 24, 2024, episode of Public Power Now. Learn more about subscribing to Public Power Now at Some quotes may have been edited for clarity. Paul Ciampoli Welcome to the latest episode of Public Power Now. I'm Paul Ciampoli, APPA’s news
Nebraska public power utility Omaha Public Power District’s electricity rates are among the lowest in the region and in the nation, as detailed in an OPPD annual monitoring report that the OPPD Board of Directors accepted at this month’s meeting.