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Recently in Public Power Current
The New York State Public Service Commission on June 20 approved a new framework for the state to achieve six gigawatts of energy storage by 2030, which represents at least 20 percent of the peak electricity load of New York State.
High generator outage trends and ongoing inverter ride-through challenges signal potential risks that require mitigating action, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation said on June 20 in its 2024 State of Reliability report.
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation has analyzed 10 large-scale disturbances on the bulk power system that involved the widespread and unexpected reduction in output of inverter-based resources since 2016, it reported in early June.
Avangrid has launched an artificial intelligence pilot aimed at enhancing customer service at its utility subsidiaries.
energyRe on June 18 announced that it has submitted multiple proposals, collectively the Clean Borough Power Link, in response to the New York Independent System Operator's New York City Public Policy Transmission Need.
The U.S. Department of Energy on June 17 issued a notice of intent to fund up to $900 million to support the initial U.S. deployments of small modular reactor technologies.
The Idaho National Laboratory recently provided details on how reports it prepared for public power utility Idaho Falls Power related to its hydro generation assets could help Idaho Falls Power as it applies for federal grid resilience grants.
New Bonneville Power Administration-backed bonds certified green by the Climate Bonds Standard Board will fund transmission projects that connect new carbon-free generation resources, support expanding electrification across multiple sectors of the economy and enhance overall grid reliability in the Pacific Northwest, BPA said on June 17.