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Recently in Public Power Current
The American Public Power Association and officials from public power utilities recently wrapped up a day and a half mutual aid workshop and exercise in Oklahoma.
Six members of Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems have been approved for five projects in the first round of funding offered through a new Infrastructure Grant Program, UAMPS reported.
in a recent interview with APPA, Joseph Bunch, General Manager and CEO for New Smyrna Beach Utilities, detailed the steps the utility has taken in recent years to improve reliability. He also detailed how the utility benefits from its membership in the Florida Municipal Power Agency.
Arizona public power utility Salt River Project has issued a request for proposals for both inverter and non-inverter based long duration energy storage technologies for demonstration projects with a capacity of 5 megawatts (MW) to 50 MW and a duration of 10 hours.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on June 27 said that it is seeking comment on a potential framework that would make more efficient and cost-effective use of the power grid by requiring the application of dynamic line ratings.
In an effort to aid crews in identifying hazardous vegetation growth in a sometimes heavily forested service territory, the Eugene Water and Electric Board is utilizing a new satellite-based forestry analytics software called Overstory, the Oregon public power utility recently reported.
Memphis Light, Gas and Water has hired PLP Inspection Services, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle contractor, to inspect the public power utility’s electric transmission system structures with drones over the next six weeks, it said on June 24.
As operational challenges multiply, some utilities have found drones to be an effective tool to optimize limited resources and maintain safe and reliable service. Many utilities have either hired drone service providers that use professional pilots or started dedicated aviation units with their utility. In contrast, Skydio uses artificial intelligence to interpret the visual data coming from the fisheye cameras that serve as a drone’s “eyes.”