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Recently in Public Power Current
The American Public Power Association is accepting nominations now through February 16, 2024, for six openings on the Reliable Public Power Provider Review Panel. To nominate yourself or someone for this position, complete this Nomination Form by February 16. The RP3 program is public power’s
The Nebraska Public Power District Board of Directors elected officers during a recent meeting.
The PJM Interconnection has asked Talen Energy to continue to operate two generating units in Maryland until transmission upgrades are in service in the 2028 timeframe to mitigate reliability impacts their retirement would cause.
Public power communities are included among the recipients of grants announced on Jan. 11 by the U.S. Department of Transportation to help build out an electric vehicle charging network across the U.S.
The PJM Interconnection recently released its new long-term load forecast, which predicts estimated electricity demand growth of 1.7% per year for summer peaks, 2% for winter peaks, and 2.4% for net energy over a 10-year planning horizon starting in 2024. Total annual energy use throughout the PJM footprint is expected to increase nearly 40% by 2039, from 800,000 gigawatt-hours to about 1.1 million GWh.
Pattern Energy Group LP recently closed an $11 billion non-recourse financing and begun full construction of SunZia Transmission and SunZia Wind.
A rule proposed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Comptroller of the Currency will have serious consequences for the ability of public power utilities and rural cooperatives to find regulated counterparties for the forward contracts, commodity trade options, and energy commodity swaps needed to hedge price and supply risks, the American Public Power Association and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association said in Jan. 3 comments.
To reinforce a recent statement on the upcoming extreme cold weather across much of the country, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation on Jan. 9 said it is monitoring the impending extreme cold weather events forecast across much of North America, starting this weekend and expected to continue through next Tuesday.