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Recently in Public Power Current
Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners on Jan. 3 announced that power from the Vineyard Wind offshore wind project was delivered to the New England grid for the first time.
Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company on Jan. 2 said it has closed on approximately $15 million in green bonds to complete the long-term financing of the MMWEC/Master Sergeant Alexander Cotton Memorial Solar Project in Ludlow, Mass.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently approved a request by ISO New England and the New England Power Pool to delay the 19th Forward Capacity Auction by one year.
The City Council of College Station, Texas, in December voted unanimously to approve the purchase of single and three-phase transformers.
The Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska and Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District recently finalized an agreement on a 10-year power purchase agreement for 42 megawatts of capacity and energy from CNPPID’s Johnson Lake hydro facilities.
For the first time since 1927, the City of Orangeburg Department of Public Utilities will buy its power from a new provider, the South Carolina public power utility recently reported.
The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service in late December issued a notice that provides transitional procedures for applicable entities to claim exceptions to the domestic content requirements for claiming elective payment energy tax credits in 2024.
The Wisconsin Public Service Commission in December declined to issue a declaratory order in a proceeding that would have given third parties the right to sell electricity directly to public utility customers, a proposal that was opposed by public power groups in the state.