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Recently in Public Power Current
Seattle, Wash., Mayor Bruce Harrell on Dec. 21 announced that he has selected Dawn Lindell to serve as the next General Manager and CEO of Seattle City Light.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in December accepted changes to the California Independent System Operator’s tariff that will enable it to launch a Western day-ahead electricity market.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office in December released final guidance for the National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor designation process.
Urgent action is needed to meet the rapidly evolving needs of the bulk electric system, according to a report from the Midcontinent Independent System Operator
The Board of Directors for California public power utility Imperial Irrigation District in December voted to implement significant changes to the district's Energy Cost Adjustment factor, a move that the utility said would ensure a fairer and more predictable billing model for customers throughout 2024.
A carbon capture project that has a long-term commercial relationship with California public power utility Sacramento Municipal Utility District is one of three projects that is set to receive funding from the Department of Energy.
The Board of Trustees at New Braunfels Utilities in December announced a significant development in the search for the organization’s next CEO. Ryan Kelso, the current Interim CEO, has emerged as the clear front-runner to lead NBU into its next chapter, the Texas public power utility said.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority on Dec. 20 announced the release of two key documents and a series of stakeholder meetings in the ongoing development of New York’s Cap-and-Invest Program.