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Recently in Public Power Current
Snohomish County PUD recently sent crew members, equipment and vehicles to Guam to help it recover from a typhoon that knocked out power to most of its 150,000 residents.
Owners of General Motors and Ford electric vehicles will have access to Tesla charging stations under agreements that the automakers recently reached with Tesla.
Electric vehicles of all types will account for as much as 29 percent of new light duty vehicle sales in the United States by 2050, according to the Energy Information Administration.
The administration of President Joseph Biden released the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap that aims to provide a framework for accelerating the production, processing, delivery, storage, and use of clean hydrogen.
Energy storage can reduce transmission congestion, but not all forms of energy storage do so equally effectively, according to a study by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule to revise steam electric effluent limitation guidelines “represents an unwarranted change of course given wastewater treatment requirements were just imposed” in a prior ELG rule, the American Public Power Association said in May 30 comments submitted to the EPA.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has extended a power sales agreement with the Southern California Public Power Authority for approximately 262 megawatts of energy from a wind farm in the Pacific Northwest. LADWP’s action will support upgrading the existing wind turbines to extend their
As part of ongoing efforts to maintain high levels of reliability and meet growing demand, Washington State’s Snohomish County PUD crews this summer will make electric system improvements and complete preventative maintenance projects.