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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Alabama public power utility Huntsville Utilities and the Tennessee Valley Authority recently announced $100,000 in scholarship funding to train and educate utility lineworkers
The Tennessee Valley Authority earlier this month released a report that analyzed how TVA responded to Winter Storm Elliott in December 2022 and the actions it took to understand what happened and why and to draw lessons from the event.
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced $50 million in new grant funding for community-based energy projects located in rural and remote areas across the country.
A group of U.S. Senate Democrats recently introduced a permitting reform discussion draft, the fourth major permitting reform proposal in the Senate this year. The proposal – the Promoting Efficient and Engaged Reviews (PEER) Act -- was put forward by Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW)
The Lincoln Electric System on May 19 announced it will pay $24.3 million to local governments in 2023 through its annual payment in lieu of tax and city dividend for utility ownership.
Rhode Island public power utility Pascoag Utility District was recently recognized for its renewable energy and energy efficiency achievements.
Texas public power utility Austin Energy on May 17 said it is addressing supply chain issues by focusing on key areas including adjusting equipment specification standards and expanding sourcing.
Cleveland Public Power on May 20 held an information session for its Internship to Apprenticeship Program, which launched in 2008.