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California public power utility SMUD on June 2 said that it plans to issue approximately $495 million of revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds this month.
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on May 31 passed legislation that promotes advanced nuclear reactors and related fuels, calls for regulatory changes at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and addresses nuclear power supply chain issues.
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced funding for carbon capture projects that include projects involving Illinois public power utility Springfield City Water, Light and Power.
The New York Power Authority has partnered with the Energy Storage and Microgrid Training and Certification Program to establish New York State as a major training hub for workforce development.
LevelTen Energy recently launched a power purchase agreement auctions platform, saying the new offering is “a response to the industry’s need for new solutions that can keep up with today’s market conditions, including surging demand for PPAs.”
The Department of Energy should reconsider its proposed rule to increase conservation standards for distribution transformers, 47 U.S. senators said in a June 1 letter to Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm. The bipartisan letter was led by Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN).
A two-year budget deal released by House Republican leadership over the weekend that would lift the U.S. debt limit through 2024 includes energy permitting reforms.
Georgia Power announced on May 29 that Vogtle Unit 3 has safely reached 100 percent power, marking a major milestone towards commercial operation. This milestone marks the maximum energy the unit is licensed to produce in the reactor core and is the first time the unit has reached its expected