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Distributed Energy Resources
The Department of Energy has issued a proposed nonavailability waiver applicable to domestically assembled solar PV panels under the Build America Buy American provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
In an action to secure the long-term reliability of water and power service, the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Board of Directors today passed a resolution committing to modernize its critical infrastructure by 2040.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office on Dec. 17 announced a conditional commitment for a loan guarantee of up to $15 billion to Pacific Gas & Electric Company, a combined natural gas and electric utility serving Northern and Central California.
The Bonneville Power Administration has identified that its traditional model for deploying transmission capital will not be sufficient to meet customer needs, it said on Dec. 12. BPA has determined a need to double its transmission capital execution by 2028.
Electricity Markets
The Los Angeles Board of Water and Power Commissioners recently approved the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s participation in the California Independent System Operator Extended Day-Ahead Market, a voluntary, wholesale energy market designed to optimize the availability of energy on existing transmission line infrastructure in the Western United States, LADWP reported on Dec. 17.
Distributed Energy Resources
MN8 Energy on Dec. 17 announced it will own and operate the 135MWac Prairie Solar project in Champaign County, Illinois, which includes 50MWac of capacity dedicated to a City of Cambridge, Mass., virtual power purchase agreement. The project will support the largest virtual PPA ever undertaken by a U.S. city, according to MN8 Energy.
Commonwealth Fusion Systems on Dec. 17 announced that it will build the world’s first grid-scale commercial fusion power plant at the James River Industrial Park in Chesterfield County, Virginia.
NorthWestern Energy on Dec. 17 announced that it has signed a letter of intent to provide energy services for a developer planning new data centers in Montana.