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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Community Engagement
ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc., presented 17 communities with Public Power Awards of Excellence at ElectriCities’ 2024 Annual Conference held in Asheville, North Carolina.
Community Engagement
Alexandria, Minn.-based Alexandria Light & Power (ALP) Utilities in July said it is preparing to construct a new, consolidated operations center to meet the demand driven by community growth.
​The North American Electric Reliability Corporation and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association have signed a memorandum of understanding establishing a framework for ongoing cooperation, facilitating the exchange of experience, information, and select data.
Customer Service
Power outages, wildfires, rooftop solar systems, and demand response programs create a need for utilities to communicate with customers quickly and clearly. Utilizing omnichannel communication systems can help ensure customers stay in the know and also help utilities respond to the many outage-related calls and emails from customers.
Bonds and Financing
The American Public Power Association is asking its members to help populate a map that will allow congressional members and staff to search for projects financed with municipal bonds in their own state and congressional district.
Texas public power utility Austin Energy has a permanent fix in place at a Southwest Austin substation after equipment failure required re-routing power to restore service for roughly 6,400 customers, it said on Aug. 23.
The American Public Power Association recently sent Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen a letter asking for flexibility in implementing a tax credit for existing nuclear power plants.
Grid Modernization
Vermont public power utility Stowe Electric Department has renewed its participation as a host institution in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship program.