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Electricity Markets
The Department of Energy has released a resource hub outlining the suite of tools available to support public and private stakeholders, including utilities and data center owners and operators, “in meeting growing demand while maintaining system reliability, affordability, and security,” it said on Aug. 22.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations on Aug. 22 issued a Notice of Intent for up to $400 million “to spur innovative, community-focused clean energy solutions in rural and remote areas across the United States.”
Customer Service
When Paducah Power System began using TextPower in December 2022, the benefits quickly became apparent and elevated their customer service in several meaningful ways.
Electric Vehicles
Massachusetts public power utility Belmont Light has been awarded a Gold EV Adoption Leadership Certification by Forth.
Electricity Markets
The City of Austin, Minn., through public power utility Austin Utilities, has extended its power sales agreement with the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, SMPPA said on Aug. 28.
Energy Storage
CPS Energy has entered into two storage capacity agreements with Eolian L.P. for a total of 350 megawatts of battery energy storage, adding to a 50 MW storage capacity agreement signed with Eolian in 2023, as the utility continues the execution of its Vision 2027 generation plan.
A recently announced geothermal energy project in Texas and the execution of power purchase agreements in California mark new milestones for geothermal energy in the U.S.
The Grand River Dam Authority, Oklahoma’s largest public power utility, is working in conjunction with the third largest industrial park in the United States, the MidAmerica Industrial Park, to bring a new data center partner/operator to Northeast Oklahoma.