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Recently in Public Power Current
The Board of Directors of South Carolina’s Santee Cooper on Aug. 27 authorized management to submit an application to the South Carolina Public Service Commission related to the potential expansion of the utility’s Rainey Generating Station, located in Iva, S.C.
The North American Energy Standards Board in August held its second industrywide meeting to develop a standardized contract for the sale and purchase of hydrogen.
During its August 20 board meeting, the Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors approved a resolution to conduct a detailed analysis and evaluate the process and benefits of transitioning all residential customers to an average billing model.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas recently hosted a public workshop on finalizing an electric reliability plan for the state’s Permian Basin.
California public power utility Silicon Valley Power is proposing to construct 2.24 miles of new 115 kV transmission line. The project aims to balance and redistribute energy and support load growth.
The U.S. Department of Energy on Aug. 23 announced 17 states and territories that will receive awards totaling $66 million from the Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant Program.
The Northwest Power and Conservation Council recently published its 2029 resource adequacy assessment, which summarizes the aggregate regional power supply’s adequacy for the 2029 operating year (October 2028 through September 2029).
In a recent letter, a group of 18 House Republicans wrote to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to defend certain provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.