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The Bonneville Power Administration recently launched a new program that it said will significantly streamline the process to replace pre-existing wood poles to minimize potential infrastructure failure and improve reliability of BPA's grid.
Chelan PUD’s North Shore substation is now serving customers, “providing more flexibility and reliability for years to come in the growing communities of Chelan and Manson,” the PUD said on Sept. 3.
Washington State’s Grant County PUD has 75 applications for new and expanding power service from large load customers in a queue maintained by the PUD’s Large Power Solutions team.
Distributed Energy Resources
Arevon Energy hosted a groundbreaking event on Aug. 21 to celebrate the start of construction on the company’s Ratts 1 Solar Project in Indiana.
Distributed Energy Resources
The Department of the Interior on Aug. 29 announced it will hold an offshore wind energy lease sale off southern Oregon.
Electricity Markets
The California Independent System Operator on Aug. 31 issued a heat bulletin in anticipation of persistent above-normal temperatures and increased electricity demand this week in much of California and the West.
Bonds and Financing
Fitch Ratings recently affirmed Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency's (KYMEA) ratings at “A” for all-requirements project obligations and an issuer default rating. The rating outlook is stable.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas has selected 17 projects, including one proposed by Texas public power utility Kerrville Public Utility Board, to advance to the next phase of the Texas Energy Fund In-ERCOT Loan Program application review process, KPUB said on Aug. 29.