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Recently in Public Power Current
To find earlier stories in Public Power Current, browse by popular topics or contact us at News@PublicPower.org.
Staff with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Aug. 26 offered recommendations to help users, owners and operators of the bulk electric system improve compliance with mandatory Critical Infrastructure Protection reliability standards and overall cybersecurity postures.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee on Sept. 4 announced that Orano USA has selected Oak Ridge, Tenn., as the preferred site to construct a new, multi-billion-dollar, state-of-the-art centrifuge uranium enrichment facility.
Distributed Energy Resources
The Biden-Harris administration on Sept. 5 announced the approval of a Maryland offshore wind project.
The Department of Energy on Sept. 5 announced the selection of 293 hydroelectric improvement projects across 33 states that will receive up to $430 million in incentive payments to upgrade hydropower facilities. A large number of the funding recipients are public power utilities.
Energy Storage
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations on Sept. 5 opened applications for up to $100 million in funding to support pilot-scale energy storage demonstration projects.
The Environmental Protection Agency on Aug. 30 published in the Federal Register a final rule related to stationary combustion engine electronic reporting.
Grid Modernization
In a recent Q&A with the American Public Power Association, Tom McKee, electric utility director for the city of Cartersville, Ga., a public power community, provided details on the city’s advanced metering infrastructure project and discussed the utility’s efforts to maintain high levels of reliability.
Electricity Markets
A recent vote by the Western Resource Adequacy Program’s Resource Adequacy Participant Committee paves the way for WRAP participants to enter a binding program in 2027.